Land access

Karst Geography, Residential Homes on Rural Severances and Industrial Agriculture: A Goal Conflict?

  In the region of Grey Bruce, the landscape is dotted with thousands of small rural residential properties, each one…

“Development Agriculture” and farming extremely vulnerable Karst aquifers

This blog was published in the newsletter of the National Farmers Union Grey County chapter. Thorsten Arnold, NFU-Grey Director. From…

Is ethanol a good strategy to reduce Ontario’s greenhouse gas emissions?

As one strategy to reduce Ontario’s greenhouse gas emissions, the government has legislated to add corn-based ethanol to gasoline….

Narrative networks in the Canadian Industrial Food System

Pre-competitive alliances are common in the corporate world. Such alliance brings together competitors who share common interests. For example,…

Co-operative Models for Farm Financing

My blog was recently published by EFAO. A shortened version made it into the print newsletter! This is the first…

Innovative structures toward land access

Land regeneration requires secure access to land. When conducting interviews for a project, insecure land access surfaced again and…