Grant Writing and Business Services

Funding success demands more than a great idea—it requires strategic planning and compelling proposals. I help farmers, food businesses, and nonprofits turn ideas into funded projects.

To meet your unique needs, I offer three types of services: (1) Grant Writing Services, (2) Business planning services, and (3) Grazing Management Services.

In particular, I recommend developing an
Investment and Grant Strategy. This structured approach aligns your planned investments with available grant opportunities, and is essential for maximizing funding and strategic growth.

Start your funding journey today, and book a free 20-min online consultation now!

PS: For drinking water-related services, please click here!.

(1) Grant Writing Services

Ecological efforts of farmers create positive benefits for society “for free”, mostly without direct financial benefits to the farm. I want to help farmers access grant money to finance (and value) these efforts!


Write and Submit

Grant Applications

Tailored grant applications align your project with funder priorities. Services include drafting, refining, and submitting, with sufficient time for quality results.



Grant Research

Identifying the right funding opportunities is half the battle. I provide in-depth research to find grants that align with your goals, ensuring a strong match between your project and funder priorities.



Post-Grant Reporting Support

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your financial goals.


plan AHEAD

Investment and Grant Strategy

Align your investment planning with funding opportunities. This strategy helps phase projects, match goals to grants, and optimize long-term growth.

(2) Business Planning Services

Complementing grant related services, I also help with business planning services. These are often requirements for grants. A solid business and marketing plan also makes it far easier to access investment financing, plan ahead, and achieve grant funding.



Business Plan

A business plan showcases your operational and financial viability, setting a strong foundation for grant applications. Whether you’re starting a new venture or scaling an existing one, this plan demonstrates your capacity to achieve measurable results. Most funders and investors will ask for your business plan.



Marketing Plan

A targeted marketing plan identifies your audience, competitive advantages, and strategies for growth. This is essential for food processors and local food businesses looking to expand market presence and attract funding. Many marketing grants will require your marketing plan.



Investment Strategy

We will work with you to create a personalized plan to help you achieve your financial goals.


think future

Holistic Management Plan

A Holistic Management Plan, rooted in Savory Institute principles, helps balance ecological health, economic goals, and community well-being. It is also ideal for sustainable agriculture grants.

(3) Grazing Management Services

Grazing management requires planning – for my future herd, for my land and its ecosystem, and for my family. Grazing management can be focused on particular objectives, or holistic. I studied Allan Savory’s Holistic Management and became a professional educator in 2020. And I have helped farmers develop simple or complex grazing plans. Some clients need to meet the requirements for a grant application, others wanted to improve their ranch holistically.


Grazing Plan

A brief plan that meets the eligibility requirements of the On-Farm Climate Action Fund (OFCAF) grant.


Holistic Grazing Plan

A holistic plan that considers complex ranching and family goals as well as meeting OFCAF requirements.


Holistic Management Plan

This framework for managing land, livestock, and resources is based on the principles of the Savory Institute. It emphasizes decision making as we balance ecological health, economic viability, and community well-being. Key components include goal setting, monitoring ecological outcomes, adaptive grazing strategies, and how decision are made.